Jim Rogers Positioned for Global Financial Meltdown

Jim Rogers Positioned for Global Financial Meltdown. Renowned investor Jim Rogers says the markets could be in for a “good time” if President Trump delivers on his promises to cut taxes and regulation and build up U.S. infrastructure.
“So far he’s said some good things,” Rogers told the FOX Business Network. “He said he’s going to cut taxes, he says he’s cutting regulations, he says he’s going to build infrastructure—all of that is great.”

During an interview on Mornings with Maria just a day earlier, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the prospect of Trump’s economic policies Opens a New Window. have led to gains in the stock market and U.S. dollar, but Rogers said he’s “long” on the dollar based on his view that Trump could potentially start a trade war and create chaos in the financial markets.

“I am long on the dollar because I expect turmoil in world financial markets and people are looking for a safe haven,” he said. “It’s going to get overpriced; it might even turn into a bubble.”. (source)