Why it’s time really worry about Trump in two charts

Why it’s time really worry about Trump in two charts. Donald Trump got elected president by telling his voters an uncomplicated story with an easy-at-hand cast of villains and scapegoats, two of which occupied a particularly prominent role: immigrants and China.

Now Trump is making perhaps his most outsize moves yet to translate that tale into policy reality, and those efforts are completely untethered from real-world policy complexity in one case, and from reality in the other. Here are two charts that help demonstrate this.

The first is about Trump’s imminent trade war with China. It’s from the Brookings Institution, and it shows the number of 2016 jobs in all the industries targeted by China’s new round of threatened tariffs

about Trump’s

This Brookings analysis, which is based on Emsi and Bureau of Labor Statistics data, shows the number of jobs in industries that have been targeted by China’s latest announcement of a second round of retaliatory tariffs, which include soybeans, cars and planes.

This comes after the first round of China’s threatened tariffs on a far more limited range of products, including fruit, tree nuts and hog farming. Both rounds came in response to Trump’s own escalated tariff threats. In an earlier analysis, Brookings calculated that the first round of China tariffs targeted nearly 276,000 jobs - nearly 150,000 in counties carried by Trump and just over 125,000 in counties carried by Hillary Clinton. [ Read more ]